Cloud Services & Security

Cloud Computing & Security

Cloud Computing & Cyber Security

When people talk about ‘The Cloud’ are you confused as to how it could benefit you?

• Backup and Recovery


• SaaS Cloud Backup


• Servers and Applications


• Workstations


• Office 365


• SharePoint and OneDrive for business


• Disaster Recovery Planning, and Business Continuity


• Ransomware Protection


• Cyber Security


• Fully managed end points


• Virus security


• Email Antivirus, Antispam and Encryption


• Web protection

Cloud Computing…


…is the best thing for small business since the creation of the stapler, giving them access to data and applications, anywhere and anytime, from any mobile device at a reasonable price.


The cloud gives small businesses access to technologies previously out of their reach and helps them compete with both small businesses and larger ones. Alpha Backup is a cloud-based backup and recovery solution for micro and small businesses, protecting your data and offering disaster recovery. Did you know that your Office 365 data isn’t backed up? Talk to us about Office 365 backup inc SharePoint and OneDrive data.

Cyber Security Essentials


Cyber Security helps defend your small business against a variety of network security threats. Some of the most common threats include viruses, spyware, and malware. Viruses, spyware, and malware can install themselves through email and via website visits. They can scan your network for sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and passwords.


A network security solution requires multiple layers of security, and consists of several components that work in tandem to protect your network, firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, intrusion prevention systems and virtual private networks that allow users to securely access the network from a remote location.


Managed IT Support

Fully Managed IT – We take on the roll of your IT department.


Voip Phone Systems

VOIP – Voice Over Internet Phone Systems. Cost effective & reliable.


Network Solutions

Networks, Cabling Infrastructure specialists. Fibre Optics, Routing, Site Surveys.


The Cloud & Security

Cloud Computing, Back-Ups, Recovery. Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure & 365.